Most entity models have been removed in this version. Custom entity models will be moving to an add-on pack compatible with fresh animations.
This pack is compatible with the new 1.21.5 snapshots and will continue to get iterative changes as needed leading up to full 1.21.5 release
New panorama!
New Icon!
Version and compatibility descriptors added
Custom Potion Textures
Ominous bottle variants added
Added icons to new potion types
Unique tipped arrow textures added
Axolotl bucket variants now work in vanilla
Added level-based firework rocket colors
Custom enchanted book textures (WIP)
Eating animations added
Wither skeletons now have a custom sword variant
Vex now has a custom sword variant
Short swords added by request for diamond and netherite swords (name: Short Sword)
Misc custom sword variants added (data pack pending)
Ender chest ui now works in vanilla
Oxeye daisy models added
New torch flower models and texture
Added 1 new brown mushroom variant added
Added 2 new dead bush variants
Added 3 new short dry grass variants
Added 1 new sunflower variant
1 Cold pig variant added (optifine/ETF)
Added bat variants (optifine/ETF)
Added camel variants (optifine/ETF)
Added new cow variants (optifine/ETF)
Brewing table UI updated
Hotbar is back to vanilla
Hotbar selector is smaller now
Inventory armor slots are cleaner now
Shield slot indicator is blank
Tooltip updated
Lanterns now render as block models in hand
Wind charge is purple now
End rod now renders as an item
Dye textures reverted
tropical fish item texture updated
salmon item texture updated
All bucket and creature bucket textures updated
All bowl and stew textures updated
Turtle scute texture updated
Dragon’s breath bottle texture updated
Honey bottle texture updated
Honey bottle renamed “Jar of Honey”
Amethyst Shard texture updated
Heart of the sea is now animated
Ender eye texture updated
Temperate chicken egg changed
Glow lichen model updated
Lapis block texture updated
Cactus variants changed
Beacon texture and model updated
Beacon beam texture updated
End portal frames and eyes changed
Ender chest brightened and changed slightly
Mooshroom models and textures updated (fixes mooshroom issues)
Iron golem texture
New pig textures
New cow textures
New chicken textures
Shulker textures
Donkey and mule now have saddle bags instead of chests
Creeper textures (vanilla and Optifine/ETF/EMF)
Copper golem model split from iron golem (Optifine/ETF/EMF)
Pig model removed (Optifine/EMF)
Chicken model removed (Optifine/EMF)
Cow model removed (Optifine/EMF)
Sheep model removed (Optifine/EMF)
Slime variant removed (Optifine/ETF)
Slot Selector tweaked
Blank slot colors tweaked
Cooked porkchop tweaked
Chicken and cooked chicken items tweaked
Sniffer egg item tweaked
Stone sword tweaked
Netherite sword tweaked
Diamond sword tweaked
Spore blossom item texture tweaked
Armor trim items made smaller
Leaf litter model tweaked
Short dry grass texture tweaked
Firefly bush emissive overlay removed
Iron helmet model texture tweaked
Leather helmet model texture tweaked
Creaking texture tweaked
Ravager texture tweaked
Rabbit textures tweaked
Skeleton textures tweaked
Wither skeleton textures tweaked
Bogged overlay tweaked
Stray textures tweaked
Stray variant removed
Tweaked witch variant rarity (Optifine/ETF)
Skeleton models tweaked (Optifine/EMF)
Glow squid model removed (Optifine/EMF)
Rabbit model tweaked (Optifine/EMF)
- Fixed redstone torch displaying too large on the ground
- Waxed Copper items updated to work in new file structure
- Fixed pixel inconsistencies on pickaxes
- Infested blocks updated to new file structure
- Turtle scute file fixed
- All json files pruned for organization
- Legacy armor files removed
- Slime particles fixed
- Spore blossom item is the right size now
- Removed “spore blossum” file
- Removed unused or redundant optifine files
- Nether sprout item position and texture is corrected
- Saddle textures fixed
- Removed old horse armor file path
- Leaf colors have been improved when using fast graphics
- Trapped chest latch is no longer upside down
v9.4.2 Additions:
- Pale oak variants added
- End portal frame changed
- Pale oak log changed
- Creaking heart changed
- Pale moss carpet changed
- Pale hanging moss is thicker
- Glow lichen color tweaked
- Crafting table tweaked
- Redstone torch fixed
- Panorama tweaked
v9.4.1 Additions:
- Accommodated for new redstone torch model
- New nether wart item
- New slot selection texture
- Dragon Egg updated
- Villager clothes updated
- Wandering traders updated
- Armor moved to new folders (old asset spots will be supported until next major release 1.22.0)
- Ominous bottle changed
- Illagers tweaked
- Villager base skins tweaked
- Blaze tweaked
- Chest boat text fixed
- Wall posts look better now
- Better fence posts
- Better fence items
- Bogged now have wood armor
- Glowing chorus flowers
- Better villager variants
- Illager variants
- Fox variants removed (they were causing more problems than they were worth)
- Enchant table updated (after much deliberation the color of the runner is back to being red)
- Minecart overhauled
- Iron trapdoor changed
- Hopper bottom texture changed
- Cauldron bottom texture changed
- Skeleton overhauled
- Wither skeleton overhauled
- Alternate bat texture removed
- All Illagers overhauled
- Wandering traders overhauled
- Witch overhauled
- Charged creeper texture reverted
- Cold creepers are better now
- Goats overhauled
- Zombies overhauled
- Zombie villagers overhauled
- Chest color tweaked
- Obsidian is more purple
- Iron door tweaked
- Iron block tweaked
- Brick item tweaked
- Stray tweaked
- Enderman tweaked
- Some chickens tweaked
- Husks tweaked
- New waxed copper items now appear with outline
- Emissive emerald
- Emeralds look more like rupees
- Breeze rod is fatter
- Spider models and textures updated
- Cave spider models and textures updated
- Effect particles now spiral into bubbles
- End crystals updated
- End portal frame updated
- Removed glow lichen texture
- Removed sea pickle candles
- Pack image updated
- End bedrock texture tweaked
- End portal eye tweaked
- More contrast on amethyst blocks
- Crafter gui
- Armadillo color changed to be more realistic
- Spawn eggs cleaned up
Tweaks and fixes:
- Brick item color tweaked
- Clay pot texture tweaked
- Wolf armor tweaked to reflect armadillo changes
- Sniffer egg item flipped
- Stone tools tweaked
- News icon no longer brown
- Text upgrades
- Potion icons
- Panorama updated
- Creative GUI added
- Gui flares and guides added for traders and brewing.
- Brown shulker boxes now look like crates
- Enchant bottle changed
- Totems will no longer display in offhand
- Netherite tools changed
- Turtle texture changed
- Redstone torches updated
Tweaks and fixes:
- Buckets tweaked
- Mutton now faces the correct way
- Axolotls fixed
- Moss carpet bugs fixed
- Azalea glitches fixed
- Dirt tweaked
- Fixed iron bars
- Fixed/tweaked sugarcane
- Gui bug fixes (1.20.4 compatibility)
- Brisingr texture tweaked
- Iron horse armor tweaked
- Paintings removed
- Vex textures reverted
- Cat models removed
- Cit swords updated
- Leaves reverted (moving to another pack)
- Sniffer egg models changed
- Diamonds changed
- Container GUI changes
- Soul campfire item added
- Bamboo block variants added
- Rick’s Default text tweaked
- Other gui tweaks