Download Modrinth App
The Modrinth App is a unique, open source launcher that allows you to play your favorite mods, and keep them up to date, all in one neat little package.

Unlike any launcher
you've used before

Fabric API
by modmuss

by jellysquid3

Iris Shaders
by coderbot

by jellysquid3

Mod Menu
by Prospector

Cloth Config API
by shedaniel

Architectury API
by shedaniel

by ThatGravyBoat
Mod management
Modrinth makes it easy to manage all your mods in one place. You can install, uninstall, and update mods with a single click.
Included mods

Ad Astra
Live long and prosper, Ad Astra!

A mod exploring soul magic in tools, blocks, weapons and more.

Creeper Overhaul
A mod which overhauls the vanilla creepers!
Share Modpacks
Build, share, and play modpacks with any of the thousands of mods and modpacks hosted here on Modrinth.

All of Fabric | Orion
Activity monitor
Good performanceProcess name
Modrinth App
< 150 MB
Google Chrome
∞ MB
1 billion %
∞ * ∞ MB
The Modrinth App performs better than many of the leading mod managers, using just 150mb of RAM!

RE:Cloud StorageA new look on cloud chests from cloud storage mod!

VR experience Immersion plusThis modpack contains mods that add improved sounds, animations, effects, and more stable performance for a full ViveCraft experience.

MineTerrariaBossesAdds Bosses, Armors, biomes, and weapons from Terraria to MC

Connector ExtrasIntegrating Connector with third-party APIs

No Render Name TagsAllow to hide name tags with a keybind.

Useful MobsAdds new features for bats, pigs, polar bears, and glow ink to give forgotten mobs a new purpose!

InfuseSimple recreation of the Infuse plugin, as a datapack

RE:Cloud StorageA new look on cloud chests from cloud storage mod!

VR experience Immersion plusThis modpack contains mods that add improved sounds, animations, effects, and more stable performance for a full ViveCraft experience.

MineTerrariaBossesAdds Bosses, Armors, biomes, and weapons from Terraria to MC

Connector ExtrasIntegrating Connector with third-party APIs

No Render Name TagsAllow to hide name tags with a keybind.

Useful MobsAdds new features for bats, pigs, polar bears, and glow ink to give forgotten mobs a new purpose!

InfuseSimple recreation of the Infuse plugin, as a datapack

ButcheryAn immersive way of harvesting mobs

HELP! I'm being framed!Blocks with customizable textures

FabricHealthDisplayA simple mod to display a mobs health above their head

Infested IndictorsBlocks that are infested have a faint red box placed around them.

Nyelon's Vanilla Purple EditA (very early alpha) edit of vanilla textures that replaces certain textures with PUUUURPLE for pristine lovers of purple like me (mostly diamonds rn lmao)

QuestlinesAdds data-driven quest lines to the game.

SlabcraftA fork of Additive built for Slabserver

ButcheryAn immersive way of harvesting mobs

HELP! I'm being framed!Blocks with customizable textures

FabricHealthDisplayA simple mod to display a mobs health above their head

Infested IndictorsBlocks that are infested have a faint red box placed around them.

Nyelon's Vanilla Purple EditA (very early alpha) edit of vanilla textures that replaces certain textures with PUUUURPLE for pristine lovers of purple like me (mostly diamonds rn lmao)

QuestlinesAdds data-driven quest lines to the game.

SlabcraftA fork of Additive built for Slabserver

TachyonTachyon is a modpack that enhances Minecraft's performance, fixes bugs, and adds controller support. With visual mods that make the game more stunning, Tachyon takes your Minecraft experience to the next level. Try it now!

Just HammersAdds hammers to the game that are able to mine in a 3x3, 3x3x3, 5x5x1, 5x5x3 and finally a 5x5x5! They're pretty awesome.

Wam's World BuilderAn immersive mod pack built on Create, Chisels, and fun combat. Vanilla+++ in a way!

The Rise of SlenderA mod that tries to bring Slenderman/Slender: The Eight Pages to Minecraft.

Alonzo's BBQ ModThis Mod adds A LOT of cooking and barbeque stuff!

Oxidizing Lightning RodsClick on lightning rods to oxidize them

More Tools N' StuffThis mod adds in brand new biomes, mobs, blocks, items, food, etc. into Minecraft!

TachyonTachyon is a modpack that enhances Minecraft's performance, fixes bugs, and adds controller support. With visual mods that make the game more stunning, Tachyon takes your Minecraft experience to the next level. Try it now!

Just HammersAdds hammers to the game that are able to mine in a 3x3, 3x3x3, 5x5x1, 5x5x3 and finally a 5x5x5! They're pretty awesome.

Wam's World BuilderAn immersive mod pack built on Create, Chisels, and fun combat. Vanilla+++ in a way!

The Rise of SlenderA mod that tries to bring Slenderman/Slender: The Eight Pages to Minecraft.

Alonzo's BBQ ModThis Mod adds A LOT of cooking and barbeque stuff!

Oxidizing Lightning RodsClick on lightning rods to oxidize them

More Tools N' StuffThis mod adds in brand new biomes, mobs, blocks, items, food, etc. into Minecraft!

Bigger Lightning StormsIncreases the intensity of lightning storms in your world

MCKotlinGet the ability to run and develop Kotlin plugins on your Minecraft server or proxy

PublicPlaytimeLove statistics? See the playtime of every player with ease, in a number of ways!

Bag of YurtingAdds an upgradable bag that can store and unload your favorite yurts

BCI (Best Client-side Improvements)A collection of the best and most useful mods that can improve performance, comfort and a little bit visual component.

Sound PhysicsAdds realistic and immersive sound physics to the game

Immersive ChessPlay chess with your own pieces on a board you can build yourself

Bigger Lightning StormsIncreases the intensity of lightning storms in your world

MCKotlinGet the ability to run and develop Kotlin plugins on your Minecraft server or proxy

PublicPlaytimeLove statistics? See the playtime of every player with ease, in a number of ways!

Bag of YurtingAdds an upgradable bag that can store and unload your favorite yurts

BCI (Best Client-side Improvements)A collection of the best and most useful mods that can improve performance, comfort and a little bit visual component.

Sound PhysicsAdds realistic and immersive sound physics to the game

Immersive ChessPlay chess with your own pieces on a board you can build yourself

No ConnectPrevents connection to remote (mostly)

Health PlusA mod that allows a players max health to exceed the limit of 20!

Seamless Stripped WoodSeamless Stripped Wood makes stripped wood blocks look more consistent when put together.

Tag TooltipsAdds a keybind to show an item's tags in its tooltip. Handy for tag-based sorting systems and debugging!
1/4An irritating mod made for april fools in a couple hours

HideMEA Simple, Free-To-Use Vanish Plugin for PaperMC

LightfootedAdds an enchantment to tread carefully

No ConnectPrevents connection to remote (mostly)

Health PlusA mod that allows a players max health to exceed the limit of 20!

Seamless Stripped WoodSeamless Stripped Wood makes stripped wood blocks look more consistent when put together.

Tag TooltipsAdds a keybind to show an item's tags in its tooltip. Handy for tag-based sorting systems and debugging!
1/4An irritating mod made for april fools in a couple hours

HideMEA Simple, Free-To-Use Vanish Plugin for PaperMC

LightfootedAdds an enchantment to tread carefully
Website Integration
The Modrinth App is fully integrated with the website, so you can access all your favorite projects from the app!
Profile importing
Import all your favorite profiles from the launcher you were using before, and get started with the Modrinth App in seconds!

Open source
Modrinth’s launcher is fully open source. You can view the source code on our GitHub!
Offline mode
Play your mods, whether you are connected to the internet, or not.
Follow projects
Save content you love and receive updates with one click.