- Support for snapshot 25w02a.
- Support for 1.21.4
- Updated to 1.21.4-pre1/2/3 & rc1/2/3.
- Updated to 24w46a.
I apologize for not making it available in time.
- Updated to 21w45a
- Support for 24w44a snapshot.
I will soon release a backport to previous versions until 1.21.4 is released, if nothing changes in the code.
- Released full version project to 1.21.2.
- Nothing has changed from the previous release pre-release from 1.21.2-pre3-rc2 . This is just a bump version.
Hello, this is a fork of the Animated Ore project. In this project, the block models have been changed to have emissive textures. For this, it uses a rewritten code from glsl to json shader core, thanks to which you do not have to use mods with emissive functions such as Continuity or OptiFine. This does not work in older versions of the game, for this you need Minecraft version 1.21.2 or newer. This project will also be developed in snapshot versions marked as alpha, and beta version: pre-release/release candidates