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PureKitPvP (1.3.1)
PureKitPvP lets you create a kit pvp environment quickly, with your own custom kits. A quick overview of all features:
- Death Recaps
- Kill Credit on void/environmental damage
- Assist credit
- Tracks Killstreaks, Kills, Deaths and a lot more stats
- Level system based on kills, deaths and assists
- Kits can be made in-game, layout customizable per player
- Kits can have a kill item, an item that will be aquired on kill
- Pick only one kit per minecraft life (reset after death)
- Per kit permissions
- Clean Kit GUI (multiple pages support)
- Golden Heads (can be set as kit items or/and as kill items)
- Random Loot Chests that can be set as kit item or as kill item
- Create these random loot chests ingame, change percentages in config
- See Kit usage stats for balancing
- Mobs can be used in kits, they despawn when the player has died
- Custom mobs can be created with gear and weapons
- Mob AI only targets enemy players
- Quickly die when falling in the void
- 14 Perks, with GUI selection
- Cosmetics: Projectile Trails, Kill Effect, Kill/Death Message
- Global PvP-related Events
- Customizable language file: most player-visible messages can be changed
All commands can be seen in-game via /purekitpvp help.
Admin commands
All admin commands are preceded with /purekitpvp.
/purekitpvp kit <create/delete/edit/setkillitem>
- create <kitName> <displayColor> <kitIcon> <kitPermission> <killItem>
- Create a kit with the contents of your inventory
- <kitIcon> / <killItem> - All material names within the autocomplete menu
- Use air if you don't want a kill item
- <kitIcon> / <killItem> - All material names within the autocomplete menu
- Create a kit with the contents of your inventory
- delete <kitName>
- Remove a kit
- edit <kitName>
- Edit a kit's contents in a GUI
- setkillitem <kitName>
- Set the killitem to the item in your hand
- create <kitName> <displayColor> <kitIcon> <kitPermission> <killItem>
/purekitpvp resetkit
- Resets kit, if the executor has the sufficient permission.
/purekitpvp createloottable <name> <lore> <displayName>
- Create a loottable of the chest you are looking at
- <lore> - The lore on the item chest that will be right clicked for the random items
- <displayName> -The displayname on the item chest that will be right clicked for the random items
- I suggest editing the above values in the loottables config, because multi-line is possible there
- Make sure to follow the format in the loottables config, as YAML can be quite finicky
- Create a loottable of the chest you are looking at
/purekitpvp getcustomitem <golden_head/random_chest/custom_mob_egg>
- Get the custom item to use in a kit
- <random_chest> requires a loottable name
- <custom_mob> requires a custom mob name
- Get the custom item to use in a kit
/purekitpvp custommob <create/set/delete>
- create <name> <type>
- Creates custom mob with a certain type, can be any entity (mobs are officially supported)
- set <name> <mainhand/offhand/boots/leggings/chestplate/helmet/child>
- Sets a property of a mob to the item in hand, or with the child property; true or false must be specified
- delete <name>
- Deletes a custom mob
- create <name> <type>
/purekitpvp event <start/stop/pause>
- start <eventName>
- You may only start one event at a time. Timer can be skipped to the end of the event timer.
- stop <eventName>
- Stops current event.
- pause
- Pauses the global event loop timer. Events already active stay active. If you want the global event loop to stop, you may disable it in the config, or pause when no event is active to keep any events from triggering.
- start <eventName>
/purekitpvp getkitstats
- Outputs kit usage stats to see what kit is most popular (for balancing)
/purekitpvp <help/info/reload>
- Reload does not fully reload the config file; any settings pertaining to the event loop are not updated, because the event loop is continuous.
Player commands
- Show Kit GUI
Kits can be customized per player; see video: Per Player Preferences feature showcase -
- Show Kit GUI
- Show Perk GUI, click on a slot to change the perk in that slot (see image)
- Show Perk GUI, click on a slot to change the perk in that slot (see image)
- Brings up cosmetics menu
- In this menu, the kill effect, death/kill message and projectile trail can be changed
/getkit <kitName>
- Get a kit directly
/stats <player>
- Show stats of any player
- /suicide
- Commit suicide (if enabled)
- Enabling this improves accuracy of death messages
There are several files, most are used internally to track stats and such. The config.yml has some feature toggles that are explained there. I would recommend not editing the kits.yml unless you know how to check if your YAML is valid, because the file may reset when wrong YAML is parsed (don't ask me why). For the loottables.yml, follow the format that is provided in the example in the file. Write lore bare, and the displayname with single apostrophes (like so: '&6Lootchest'). The lang.yml file has a plethora of language keys, each of which corresponds with a single or more instances of text in-game. Most text that is visible to a default player - that is a non-admin - is customizable. Item tooltips in GUI's, scoreboard text, all perk explanations et cetera. Be sure to follow the format of each key individually, since some are made for single-line text (such as a display name of an item), and others for multiple lines of lore (think perk explanations). Resetting a value is as easy as deleting it from the file and reloading: missing values are always added back in with their default values. Text that pertains to the kill messages is currently not customizable; the system is not made for this and I question whether the two systems can live side-by-side. If you have any questions please reach out via Discord (see #Support).
How to create a kit
Also see the video that covers this topic below.
Have all the items you want to be in your kit in your inventory, and type the command /purekitpvp kit create <name> . A kit will be created with the arguments and automatically added to the kit menu (/kit). You either provide a kill item in the base command, or, if you want the kill item to be a special item (i.e. a golden head or a random loot chest), use the /purekitpvp getcustomitem command to get that item, and run the command /purekitpvp kit setkillitem <kitName> while holding that item. The contents of the kit will be shown in a clean hoverbox when choosing the kit, which will categorize the first 3 items in your hotbar as weapons, the rest of the inventory as items, the armor as armor and the offhand as offhand. If the kit has no armor, it will tell you aswell. A piece of lore can be set in the kits.yml. Basic potions that can be found in the inventory are translated as well, although they do not show their potency and lenght, due to how these items work in spigot. Custom potions created with commands however do work perfectly and show potency and lenght, so I recommend to create your own potions with commands when working with them.
The perks menu can be brought up using /perks, or via the /kit command. These perks can only be changed when the player has not yet chosen a kit. You can have a total of 5 perks actively selected. Perks are activated based on what they do, some active on kill, some during combat etc. Some configuration is provided in the config, but these perks are not as customizable as the kits and loot tables, due to most perks being quite unique. There are currently around 13 perks to choose from. Suggestions can be made (see contact info below).
How to create a loot table
Also see the video that covers this topic below.
Place a chest and put all items you want to be in your loottable in the chest. The chance of each item will be 0.1 by default. You can change this in the loottables.yml file, but if you want you can just put 2 identical items in the chest if you want the chance to be 0.2. When finished, look at the chest and run the command /purekitpvp createloottable <name> <lore> <displayName>. The lore and displayname are important for the item this loot table with be attached to. Now you may change the chance values of each item in the loottables.yml file. You may also change the lore and displayname to get multi-line text. If guaranteed is set to a true, the plugin will keep cycling through all item of the lootchest until exactly that amount is given. Check if your YAML is valid before reloading the plugin (or back it up), otherwise the file may reset (!). To get the item with the loot table, run the command /purekitpvp getcustomitem random_chest <loottable> (will auto-complete). With this item in your inventory you can use it in a kit, or set it as kill item.
How to create a custom mob
Also see the video that covers this topic below.
Use /purekitpvp custommob create <name> <type> to create your mob . All entitytypes are possible, but only monsters are officially supported to work well. After you have created your mob, you can set properties using /purekitpvp custommob set <property>. You can put equipment on the mob using the property associated with the armor piece - so chestplace or leggings for example. The mob can also be made a baby (if possible for that mob), using the property child, followed by either true or false. Spawning the mob or using it in a kit is simple. Get the spawn egg that spawns the custom mob with /purekitpvp getcustomitem custom_mob_egg /<name>. This will give you a spawn egg, that can be used in kits, loottables and more.
Videos - Create Kits and Loot tables. Some commands may be slightly different than in the video. - Custom Mobs and how to use them - Per Player Kit Preferences feature showcase
Known issues & Support
Issues can be found here. I am sure there will be issues, but finding all of them takes a lot of testing time. Please submit any problems!
If there are any problems, create a message on Spigot, add them on GitHub, here, or DM me on Twitter. For direct support you may also join the support Discord server.