Minecraft: Java Edition
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Sanctuary Modpack
A 1.20.1 Remake of the Sanctuary Modpack Originally designed for my community it has now expanded into a standalone experience and actively maintained server. It's primarily designed for exploration and creation however does have combat elements, Origins as well lore. With a variety of quality of life visual enhancements and performance boosters I'm sure you'll find at least some enjoyment.

Mod List
Check out the projects I'm using!
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses AntiGhost JourneyMap EMIffect Simple Discord RPC EMI Addon: Extra Mod Integrations Origins Geckolib Simple Trashcan Too Fast CoroUtil EMI Loot Ranged Weapon API Vic's Point Blank YUNG's API Resourceful Lib MC Dungeons Weapons RPG Origins Zoomify Immersive Armors Valor's Origins, blessings and classes No Chat Reports Mod Loading Screen Icarus CIT Resewn EMI Enchanting FabricSkyboxes [Let's Do Addon] Compat Creeper Overhaul YetAnotherConfigLib (YACL) Create: Origins Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat Obscure API Ducky Updater Lib Origins: Dietary Delights Iris/Oculus & GeckoLib Compat AppleSkin Chat Heads ExtraDE Origins Addon Beautified Chat [Server] Universal Shops Incendium Chunky Border memorysettings-fabric-1.20.1-5.5.jar Immersive Aircraft YUNG's Extras Legendary Tooltips Fabric Language Kotlin [Let's Do] Furniture Paladins & Priests (RPG Series) LambDynamicLights More Compatibility Variants [Let's Do] Enderman Overhaul Necronomicon API Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR) [Let's Do] Vinery Expanded Storage Server Sleep Supplementaries Jade Addons (Fabric) [Let's Do] HerbalBrews Entity Culling AzureLib Jade 🔍 Builtin Servers Legacy: [Let's Do] Brewery Collective Extra Origins Show Me Your Skin! [Let's Do Addon] Corn Expansion Aquatic Torches Adaptive Tooltips Deeper and Darker Macaw's Bridges Forge Config API Port Sodium Extra [ETF] Entity Texture Features Structory: Towers More Waterlogging CTOV - Paladins & Priests compat Explorer's Compass Water Resistance Potion Prometheus (Permissions & Utilities) Better Combat [Let's Do] Meadow Mod Menu Sodium Better Trees What Are They Up To (Watut) Maintenance Mode OpLock Dungeons and Taverns More Culling Resourcify Balm Better Third Person Friends & Foes (Fabric/Quilt) Wraith Waystones YUNG's Better Jungle Temples CreativeCore CICADA Mob Explosion Griefing Gamerule Fzzy Config Item Obliterator Lootr Extra Damage Enchantments ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village Create: Unbreakable Tools Cut Through YUNG's Better Desert Temples Konkrete Carry On Structory NetherPortalFix Hybrid Aquatic Sophisticated Backpacks (Unoffical Fabric port) Hole Filler Mod AzureLib Armor Nature's Compass FancyMenu oωo (owo-lib) Iris Shaders Controlling Mermod Alternate Origin GUI YUNG's Menu Tweaks Shield API Medieval Origins Revival [Let's Do] Brewery - Farm&Charm Compat Mutant Monsters Entity View Distance [Let's Do Addon] Apple Wood Video Tape Tectonic Capes The Fog Origin ModernFix Underwater Enchanting [Let's Do] NetherVinery Debugify Handcrafted SmartBrainLib FPS Reducer Controlify SuperMartijn642's Config Lib AmbientSounds [Let's Do] API Origins Extra Keybinds Archers (RPG Series) Rogues & Warriors (RPG Series) Ducky Updater: ReWork Prism Rewoven Origin Blessings Rhino TerraBlender Traveler's Titles Cristel Lib Bookshelf YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments AdventureZ Visual Workbench Resourceful Config YUNG's Cave Biomes Simple Discord Link Reese's Sodium Options Sound Physics Remastered End Remastered Argonauts (Parties & Guilds) CTOV - Gazebo compat Legacy: [Let's Do] Bakery Lithostitched Memory Leak Fix Common Network Create: Structures CTOV - Friends and Foes Compat Simply Swords Structurify Hey That's Mine GUI Pack Utils EMI Combat+ Core Architectury API Paxi Origins: Classes Chipped Origin Furs Puzzles Lib Lithium [Let's Do] WilderNature Gazebos (RPG Series) playerAnimator Explorify Structure Pool API Language Reload Vanish ImmediatelyFast Porting Lib Towns and Towers AdvancementInfo Scriptor Magicae Guard Villagers (Fabric/Quilt) Inventory Sorting Sawmill Continuity Lookin' sharp Jewelry (RPG Series) Model Gap Fix Armor of the Ages Sophisticated Core (Unofficial Fabric port) Polymorph Mob Variants Pehkui Patchouli Mob Origins [Let's Do] Farm & Charm [Let's Do] BloomingNature Villager Names Starter Kit Dynamic FPS Building But Better Enhanced Block Entities Legacy: [Let's Do] Candlelight Statement Enchantment Descriptions Small Ships FastQuit Origins: Umbrellas Bobby You're in Grave Danger TCDCommons API Memory Usage Screen Chat Animation [Smooth Chat] Iceberg FerriteCore Forgiving Void CraterLib Icarae Origin [Let's Do] Candlelight - Farm&Charm compat Artifacts spellslabextra-1.2-1.20.1.jar Orb of Origin Plus Fabrishot NiftyCarts Supplementaries Squared Better Statistics Screen OriginsTweaks YUNG's Bridges Global Options Amendments BetterF3 Spell Power Attributes Aviator Dreams Create Fabric [ESF] Entity Sound Features Runes Ribbits Trinkets YUNG's Better Mineshafts Melody Fabric API Borderless Mining Every Compat (Wood Good) Cloth Config API Integrated Stronghold Packet Fixer Spell Engine wepoons-1.0.1.jar HT's TreeChop Fadeless Athena Aquamirae cupboard-fabric-1.20.1-2.7.jar Animatica Nullscape Too Many Players YUNG's Better Dungeons Lavender YUNG's Better End Island OptiGUI The Guild MixinTrace Inventory Management Better Mount HUD No Hostiles Around Campfire EMI Ores [EMF] Entity Model Features EMI Trades Chunky FabricSkyBoxes Interop [Let's Do Addon] Structures Wizards (RPG Series) Twigs More Chat History Searchables Bewitchment Simple Voice Chat Integrated API Indium [Let's Do] Bakery - Farm&Charm Compat CTOV - Beautify Compat framework-fabric-1.20.1-0.6.16.jar YUNG's Better Witch Huts [Let's Do Addon] EMI Compat Puzzle Apugli [Let's Do] Beachparty EMI Enchants ServerCore Beautify: Refabricated Dark Loading Screen CTOV - Create: Structures Moonlight Lib