Minecraft: Java Edition
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Lock and Key
A 1.20.1 RPG survival Chunklock modpack. It combines LevelZ, PartyAddon, From The Fog, and Chunklock, as well as several other optimization mods, and quality of life to provide a challenging exploration ModPack!

Mod List
Check out the mods I'm using!
Cloth Config API Enderman Overhaul Mob Explosion Griefing Gamerule Collective Borderless Mining Fabric API Mystical Oak Tree Structure Pool API TCDCommons API HT's TreeChop Geckolib Mod-erate Loading Screen YUNG's Bridges Visuality Enhanced Block Entities [Let's Do] API Forgiving Void Xaero's World Map YUNG's Extras Jade 🔍 Better Mount HUD Fabric Language Kotlin YUNG's Better End Island Better Combat Lavender Better Trees YUNG's Better Mineshafts Nyf's Spiders Continuity CraterLib RPG-HUD Patchouli Architectury API Model Gap Fix Dynamic FPS BetterF3 [Let's Do] BloomingNature Lithium Creeper Overhaul AdvancementInfo Xaero's Minimap MC Dungeons Weapons ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village What Are They Up To (Watut) Spelunkery Reese's Sodium Options [ESF] Entity Sound Features Fzzy Config Melody YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses Fabrishot Zoomify GUI Pack Utils MC Dungeons Armors EMI Trades More Culling YUNG's Better Witch Huts Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR) Debugify YUNG's Better Jungle Temples YetAnotherConfigLib (YACL) Fadeless Spell Power Attributes Dawn API CIT Resewn LambDynamicLights Moonlight Lib Rhino [ETF] Entity Texture Features Legacy: [Let's Do] Candlelight [Let's Do Addon] Compat Ranged Weapon API EMIffect AppleSkin CICADA CoroUtil Puzzle [EMF] Entity Model Features Spawn Animations RpgZ YUNG's Better Desert Temples Simple Voice Chat Indium Mob Variants FancyMenu Chat Heads oωo (owo-lib) YUNG's Better Dungeons FastQuit Resourceful Config Eating Animation Simply Swords [Let's Do Addon] Fluids AzureLib Armor YUNG's Better Strongholds LibZ Konkrete AmbientSounds Amendments Paxi MixinTrace BCLib EMI Addon: Extra Mod Integrations ModernFix [Let's Do] HerbalBrews LevelZ FerriteCore Spell Engine Resourceful Lib More Chat History OptiGUI Animatica Traveler's Titles YUNG's API Memory Leak Fix LazyDFU FabricSkyboxes Better Statistics Screen EMI Loot EMI Main Menu Credits e4mc Forge Config API Port Better Third Person Jade Addons (Fabric) Simple Discord RPC YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments Sodium Starter Kit playerAnimator Capes FabricSkyBoxes Interop [Let's Do] Meadow Dark Loading Screen AdventureZ Carpet Supplementaries Language Reload Lithostitched ImmediatelyFast Sodium Extra Mod Menu CreativeCore Obscure API Controlify Presence Footsteps No Chat Reports Entity Culling PartyAddon OpLock Botarium Wooden Armor (+ Stone Armor) Projectile Damage Attribute Iris Shaders Resourcify Balm Trinkets [Let's Do Addon] EMI Compat