Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Licensed MIT
Published last year
Updated last week
- Show Quit Button on the Main Menu
- FOV Slider with proper hand adjustment
- Fog Density Slider
- Brightness Slider
- Photo Mode
- Render Distance slider that goes up to 32 chunks
- Improved Controls Menu
- Packet Speedup Patch - Removes an artificial delay when processing packets (upto 392ms for sending an action and receiving a response)
- Text field clearing with Right Mouse Button
- Rebindable Hotbar Keys and Function Keys (F1,F2,F3,F5,F6,F11)
- Dismount Key
- FPS Limit slider
- Armor Outlines in Player Inventory
- The Done Button in Achievements will lead to ingame menu instead of unpausing
- Disable pausing on lost focus
- Keybind for releasing the mouse
- Raw Mouse Input
- TCP No Delay
- GUI Scale Slider
- No Food Wastage - Prevents you from eating when your health is already full
- Step Assist - Allows you to step up one block
- Pick Block from Inventory -- Allow picking blocks from inventory
- Shift Placing - Bypassing use actions on blocks when crouching
- Right Click Armor Equip - Equip/Swap armor by right-clicking it
- Fence Jumping - Allows you to jump on fences
- Fast Leaf Decay
- Better Burning
- Burning Skeletons have a 70% chance of shooting a burning arrow
- Burning Arrows ignite entities
- Mobs on fire attacking player have a 30% chance to spread that fire onto the player
- Zoom Key
- Sugar Cane can be placed on sand (from Beta 1.8)
- Boats drop themselves when broken by a player
- Fences placeable like normal - lifted restrictions on the block below having to be solid or fence
- Fences connect to blocks
- Bookshelves drop 3 books
- Allow placing pressure plates on fences
- [WIP] Better boat handling
- Harvestable Cobwebs and Tall Grass using Shears
- Prevent damaging Flint and Steel on failed ignite
- Ability to disable sleeping but still allow setting spawnpoints at beds
- Ability to disable spawning mobs when going to sleep (Nightmares)
- Ability to prevent Items and Arrows from stopping Minecarts
- Ignite Entities using Flint and Steel
- Ability to place trapdoors without supporting block
- Sounds for Chest, Item Breaking, Sheep Shearing and Eating
Old Features
- Disable Dead Bush Generation
- Disable Tall Grass Generation
- Punch TNT to light it
- Punch Sheep for wool
- Tool Repair recipes
- More Furnace Fuels
Modern Recipes
- Shapeless Flint and Steel
- Shalepess Mushroom Stew
- Shapeless Chest Minecart
- Shapeless Furnace Minecart
- Shapeless Sticky Piston
- Books Require Leather
- Wool Redyeing
- 6 Slabs per Craft
- Button requires 1 stone
- Modern Fence Recipe
- Snow Layer Recipe
- 3 Ladder per Craft
Tweaked Recipes
- Shapeless Jack o' Lantern
- Adjustable Stairs per Craft
Obtainable Recipes
- Craftable Grass Blocks
- Craftable Cobwebs
- Craftable Fire
- Craftable Coal Ore
- Craftable Iron Ore
- Craftable Gold Ore
- Craftable Lapis Ore
- Craftable Diamond Ore
- Bit Depth Fix - Fixes Z-Fighting on AMD graphic cards
- HiDPI Fix - Fixes the game not scaling properly with display scaling
- Slime Split Fix - Fixes slimes not splitting when their health is below zero after dying
- Stairs Drop Fix - Stairs now drop themselves
- Boat Dismount Fix - Fixes sometimes falling through the boat when dismounting it
- Block Effectiveness Fix - Fixes axes and pickaxes not being effective on various blocks
- Axe : Crafting Table, Wooden Slab, Wooden Stairs, Fence, Wooden Door, Ladder, Sign, Pumpkin, Jack o' Latern, Wooden Pressure Plate, Jukebox and Noteblock
- Pickaxe : Furnace, Cobblestone Stairs, Bricks, Redstone Ore, Iron Door, Rails, Dispenser, Stone Pressure Plates and Spawner
- Pig Drop Saddle Fix - Fixes saddled pig not dropping saddle on death
- Multiplayer Entity Physics Fix - Fixes jittering caused by client interpolation
- Fence Bounding Box Fix - Fence's bounding box now better reflect its current shape
- Pick Block Fix - Fixes some blocks not being pickable using Pick Block
- Spring Propagation Fix - Fixes water source blocks not forming when a block below is water
- Lava Without Source Fix - Flowing lava now correctly dissapears when source block is removed
- Bow Held Fix - Bows are now being held correctly and not as only items
- Leggings Riding Fix - Fix leggings not adjusting while riding
- Video Settings Slider Fix - Fixes sliders not being slidable in the video settings screen
- Fullscreen Cursor Fix - Fixes cursor not being centered when opening inventories in fullscreen
- Furnace Consume Bucket Fix - Fixes furnace consuming bucket when fueled with lava
- Fish Velocity Fix - Fix fish flying way behind the player when caught
- Torch Bottom Texture Fix - Fixes torches not having a bottom textures
- Grass Block Item Fix - Fixes Grass Block item not rendering properly
- Slab Crash Fix - Fixes slabs with no name crashing the game
- Dropped Item Size Fix - Fixes some blocks being too large when dropped
- Death Screen Formatting Fix - Fixes the score color on death screen
- Breaking Animation Fix - Fixes the breaking animation sometimes not being visible from below