(Since 0.15.1) WARNING! The 0.16.0 update significantly changes how chunk protection exceptions works. If you've previously used this mod, you'll have to reconfigure global/optional exceptions using new options in the main config file. Removing the "playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions" option from the main config file to reset it to the new defaults is probably something most servers should do. Custom global and optional exceptions in "blockProtectionExceptionList", "entityProtectionExceptionList" and "entityClaimBarrierList" would have to be manually copied and reformatted from old to new options, after the main config file updates on server launch. Stop the server before you edit the main config file.
- Reworked player login handling, which should fix the mod crashing after an exception is thrown by the vanilla game or other mods before the player login event is fired. Hopefully for real this time.
- Fixed crash when mob griefing event is fired on the client side.
- Added smokers to the default Furnaces exception group.
(Since 0.15.1) WARNING! The 0.16.0 update significantly changes how chunk protection exceptions works. If you've previously used this mod, you'll have to reconfigure global/optional exceptions using new options in the main config file. Removing the "playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions" option from the main config file to reset it to the new defaults is probably something most servers should do. Custom global and optional exceptions in "blockProtectionExceptionList", "entityProtectionExceptionList" and "entityClaimBarrierList" would have to be manually copied and reformatted from old to new options, after the main config file updates on server launch. Stop the server before you edit the main config file.
- Reworked player login handling, which should fix the mod crashing after an exception is thrown by the vanilla game or other mods before the player login event is fired. Hopefully for real this time.
- Added smokers to the default Furnaces exception group.
(Since 0.15.1) WARNING! The 0.16.0 update significantly changes how chunk protection exceptions works. If you've previously used this mod, you'll have to reconfigure global/optional exceptions using new options in the main config file. Removing the "playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions" option from the main config file to reset it to the new defaults is probably something most servers should do. Custom global and optional exceptions in "blockProtectionExceptionList", "entityProtectionExceptionList" and "entityClaimBarrierList" would have to be manually copied and reformatted from old to new options, after the main config file updates on server launch. Stop the server before you edit the main config file.
- Reworked player login handling, which should fix the mod crashing after an exception is thrown by the vanilla game or other mods before the player login event is fired. Hopefully for real this time.
- Fixed crash when mob griefing event is fired on the client side.
- Added smokers to the default Furnaces exception group.
(Since 0.15.1) WARNING! The 0.16.0 update significantly changes how chunk protection exceptions works. If you've previously used this mod, you'll have to reconfigure global/optional exceptions using new options in the main config file. Removing the "playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions" option from the main config file to reset it to the new defaults is probably something most servers should do. Custom global and optional exceptions in "blockProtectionExceptionList", "entityProtectionExceptionList" and "entityClaimBarrierList" would have to be manually copied and reformatted from old to new options, after the main config file updates on server launch. Stop the server before you edit the main config file.
- Reworked player login handling, which should fix the mod crashing after an exception is thrown by the vanilla game or other mods before the player login event is fired. Hopefully for real this time.
- Added smokers to the default Furnaces exception group.
(Since 0.15.1) WARNING! This update significantly changes how chunk protection exceptions works. If you've previously used this mod, you'll have to reconfigure global/optional exceptions using new options in the main config file. Removing the "playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions" option from the main config file to reset it to the new defaults is probably something most servers should do. Custom global and optional exceptions in "blockProtectionExceptionList", "entityProtectionExceptionList" and "entityClaimBarrierList" would have to be manually copied and reformatted from old to new options, after the main config file updates on server launch. Stop the server before you edit the main config file.
- Fixed entity barrier never working when an entity is moving between 2 chunks for the first time.
(Since 0.15.1) WARNING! This update significantly changes how chunk protection exceptions works. If you've previously used this mod, you'll have to reconfigure global/optional exceptions using new options in the main config file. Removing the "playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions" option from the main config file to reset it to the new defaults is probably something most servers should do. Custom global and optional exceptions in "blockProtectionExceptionList", "entityProtectionExceptionList" and "entityClaimBarrierList" would have to be manually copied and reformatted from old to new options, after the main config file updates on server launch. Stop the server before you edit the main config file.
- Rewrote the server data reload listener to fix crash on Fabric and other potential issues on any mod loader.
- Improved some option comments in the player config.
WARNING! This update significantly changes how chunk protection exceptions works. If you've previously used this mod, you'll have to reconfigure global/optional exceptions using new options in the main config file. Removing the "playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions" option from the main config file to reset it to the new defaults is probably something most servers should do. Custom global and optional exceptions in "blockProtectionExceptionList", "entityProtectionExceptionList" and "entityClaimBarrierList" would have to be manually copied and reformatted from old to new options, after the main config file updates on server launch. Stop the server before you edit the main config file.
- Added new options "blockProtectionOptionalExceptionGroups", "entityProtectionOptionalExceptionGroups", "itemUseProtectionOptionalExceptionGroups", "entityClaimBarrierOptionalGroups" for creating custom object exception groups that the player configs can toggle protection exceptions for. Some default ones are already predefined for commonly shared game features.
- Removed the "Allow Some" options from the player config. Optional exceptions should be handled by exception groups now.
- Made most player config options player-configurable by default. Remove the "playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions" option from the main config file to reset it to the new defaults.
- Replaced "blockProtectionExceptionList", "entityProtectionExceptionList" and "entityClaimBarrierList" with "forced" variants. They work differently so the old values are not carried over, they stay in the old option that isn't used anymore. These new options are for forced exceptions only.
- Entity interaction exceptions now work the same way block exceptions do, where an empty hand is not required if the item you're holding is also an exception, except when using the "hand$" prefix.
- Optional exceptions can now be enabled for party or allies only, in addition to enabling them for everyone.
- Most protection options can now be configured to protect against players based on their party relation to you.
- Added new player config options for protection of pressure plates.
- Added new player config options for protection of buttons against projectiles.
- Added new player config options for protection of target blocks against projectiles.
- Added new player config options for protection of tripwires.
- Added new player config option for protection against frostwalking.
- Added new player config options for protection of nether portal usage.
- Added new player config option for protection from village raids.
- Added new player config options for protection of players.
- Added new player config options for protection from players/mobs/other tossing items.
- Added new player config option for protection against mob loot being dropped.
- Added new player config options for protection of dropped items and XP from being picked up.
- Added new player config option for protection of items dropped on player death.
- Added new player config options for protection from hostile/friendly mobs spawning naturally.
- Added new player config options for protection from hostile/friendly mob spawners.
- Added protection against fishing rod usage, which uses existing entity and item toss protection options, depending on what it's used for.
- Replaced the mob griefing option with options for block/entity/item protection from entities and an option for whether to override the mobGriefing game rule check. When using Forge, in the main config file, you can also change what the game rule check is overridden with for modded mobs, if the default block protection option isn't it.
- Replaced the "entities from anonymous" protection with protection "from other" and an option for whether to redirect to the interacting entity's owner.
- Added new player config option for whether to redirect "blocks from other/mobs" protection to the interacting entity's owner.
- Added new player config option for protection of blocks from players.
- Added new player config option for protection from item right-click use.
- Started checking chunk access and party relations for tamed mobs against their owners.
- Improved the building ability comparison on claim edges used for piston/dispenser barriers and the Create mod support.
- Changed the default value for the "protect from party" player config option to OFF, since that seems to be what people expect out of the box.
- Started respecting the "blocks from other" and "entities from other" protection options for some Create mod-related protection.
- Added a new main config file option for a FTB Ranks permission for non-OP admin mode, similar to the server claim one.
- Added a new main config file option for a list of static fake players (meaning they're bound to placed blocks or stationary entities), which should make the mod compatible with more mods, e.g. Integrated Tunnels seems to be fully supported by it.
- Added a new main config option to configure custom groups of entity types that player configs can individually allow to access all blocks/entities/items, e.g. allowing specifically endermen to take/place blocks.
- Added support for wildcards, e.g. minecraft:*_table, to all protection exception options in the main config file.
- Added a new block/entity interaction exception type (uses prefix "anything$") for making interaction exceptions that allow absolutely any item being held.
- Using the "playerConfig." prefix is now optional when referring to player config options in commands/configs.
- Optimized party member/invite/ally lookup by name.
- Fixed crash when destroying a party after changing its name.
- Fixed server crash if a player disconnects before the login event is fired, which is usually caused by an error in vanilla or other mods.
- Fixed entity barrier teleporting entities/players far away when they come from another dimension.
- Added server-side text localization for players without the mod installed on the client side, and a main config option to change the default server language.
- Fixed some displayed config values reverting on page switch.
- Added a page number display on the player config screen.
- Changed option placement from horizontal to vertical on the player config screen and reordered the options.
- Renamed player "locations" to "positions" on the player config UI to lessen the confusion with player claims.
- Added a help chat command to view comments of player config options.
- Added command for party ownership transfer.
- API changes, such as the addition of a chunk protection API and a server-sided adaptive localization API.
(Since 0.14.1) WARNING! 0.15.0 significantly changes how item/block protection works and there is a good chance you might need to add new exceptions for your server/modpack.
- (Forge) Fixed location-specific entity interactions not really being protected (e.g. armour stands).
Update 0.15.0 (MC 1.19.x, 1.18.2):
WARNING! This update significantly changes how item/block protection works and there is a good chance you might need to add new exceptions for your server/modpack.
- All axes, hoes and pickaxes are now default exceptions to item right-click use protection, both at air and at non-protected blocks. If one of your modded item of these categories requires protection, add it to the additional banned items option. Such items are often pickaxes with right-click (explosive) effects.
- Interacting with protection exception blocks no longer requires an empty hand if the item you're holding is a protection exception as well.
- Added a new block protection exception prefix (hand$ or force_hand$) for making interaction exceptions that always require an empty hand.
- Items in the additional banned items config option are now also blocked from item->block usage in the chunks neighbouring the claim (if neighbour item protection is enabled).
- Item use protection exceptions now also apply to item->block uses if the block is also an exception.
- Fixed spectators not bypassing claim protection.
- Added a default block protection exception in the server config for crafting tables. Add it manually, if you've used this mod before.
- Improved the comment for the "Allow Some Block Interactions" player option.
- Added a new server config option for completely disabling specific item interactions across the server.
- Added a new server config option for completely disabling speficic entity interactions across the server.
- Added a new server config option for completely disabling speficic block interactions across the server.
- Optimized autosaves of a lot of large units.
- Optimized client synchronization of very large parties.
- Optimized removal of very large parties.
- Fixed a potential crash from claim client synchronization delays.
- Fixed party ally removals not being synced to clients.
- Added a default exception for the firework rocket use.
- Added block/entity/item tag support (using the # prefix) to all of the block/entity/item list options in the server config file.