-Main FractalWorld Mod complete!
-Redone the entire PermaSave system, which no longer requires structure voids. This fixes the problems with wandering traders, pillagers, and greifers.
-Fixed a lot of bugs
-Fixed a few minor problems since the original release of 7.0.0
-Added a new advanced setting for carpet bots to load the whole world for you
-This is the start of Porting the mod to all versions that dont give me problems
-Bugs with the End Dimension main island were fixed
-All commands were merged together into FractalWorld, and all previous commands are now subcommands
-Added a few new commands, as well as a way to reset the Permasave Files (DONT USE THIS UNLESS YOU REALLY NEED TO!)
-Added compatibility with older versions of FractalWorld which should convert the structure voids into the new save system.
*I might still update this mod, but I think I want to be done with it atleast for now. If you want to contribute, join my Discord server. I have spent around 4 months on this project, and I want to be able to focus on other things too. It has taught me a lot.
-Optimized finding new chunks by 1000x
-Added a new fractal preset called Prime Spiral
-Started preparing to convert the entire mod from single thread into multithreaded and GPU usage, which will make the mod significantly faster.
-Added customizable color palettes for the world painter. Autocorrect for the list is broken though so I need to fix that. just type the name of the block without the minecraft: tag infront of it.
-Added Custom Fractal Generation!!! Type in an equation, get a fractal picture as a result!
-Fixed a few bugs with the config file
-Made it slightly faster
-Added a new Column Clearer for Parkour grid, in a reference to parkour civilization
-Removed chunk randomizer, because it was causing problems. I will add it back in the future in a better way.
-Created an entire new math language for the Custom fractals. Check out the wiki to see how to use it!
-Added Wiki Page
-Fixed a few inefficiencies to make the mod faster
-End portals, End Portal Frames, and End Gateways are no longer destroyed by the terrain
-End portal frames now nuke themselves upon loading so they are possible to find in game.
-NBT data for tile entities finally saves, so things like loot chests and mob spawners are no longer broken.
This mod is now fully playable in survival with no creative mode intervention needed!