- Removed Better Combat as a required dependency
- Fixed erroneous Telekinesis auto-disable failsafe
- Added new Speedster sound system for run loops
- Speedburst’s Shield is now properly disabled
- Gamma Radiation is no longer applied when wearing the Hazmat suit
- Negative Speedforce will now no longer be lost when using V9
- Speedsters no longer lose hunger running at speed levels 3 and above
- Speedster’s Aerokinesis will now put out fire and soul fire
- Buffed Speedster wallrunning
- Speedburst’s Aerokinesis now extinguishes players and entities
- Speedburst’s shield can be temporarily disabled by certain weapons
- Added unique Speedforce Tachyon run loop
- Iron Prism Rewrite
- Added Dampening and Essentium arrows
- Prism Blade can be opened and close with Shift + Right Click
- Added Prism Blade item
- Snowcon hairpiece added to Iron Prism (toggle with /toggleHair)
- Rebalanced Phantom Knight’s abilities and damage
- Phantom Knight Regenerates health in low light levels below 7 and in the shadow dome
- Phantom Knight has telekinesis (locked behind wearing S2 suit)
- Added a time limit and cooldown to Phantom Knight’s Shadow Dome
- Deadzone Dagger range changed to 2.5 from 2
- Added the Downed Satellite structure
- Power Negation Ranged Dampen now scales your attack damage up to 4, with each dampened player giving 1 additional attack damage
- Added Breach Stabilizers and Breach Destabilizers as an item (Currently uncraftable)
- Certain entities (create:*) are now blacklisted from going through breaches
- Backend breach logic changes (Motion is properly applied to entities moving through the breach. Entering the breach should teleport you to more appropriate coordinates)
- Nerfed Redstone Mech’s smallest form in Mark 1 and Mark 2 suits
- Emberhail will regenerate health when on fire
- Added a cape to Supreme Hexios
- Hexios Forcefield now requires and spends soul meter
- Fixed untransformed Thundercrash flight with Current Gauntlets
- Added 10 hearts
- Reworked jump ability
- Added a glow layer to the REM Containment Suit
- Added Hazmat suit
- Added DNA Normalizer
- Added Stabilizing Serum
- Added AXE Energy Rifles (Currently uncraftable)
- Added Titanium Axe
- Added the Nanotech Circuit
- Lead blocks between you and a Gamma Block will now protect you from getting Gamma Radiation
- Gamma gives Nausea
- Assorted recipe rebalances & power rebalances
- Armor durability has been tweaked
- Organized the creative mode tab
- Retextured Titanium Ingot
- Added functionality with PlayerRevive (Players tagged with “arrz.norevive” will instantly bleed out)
- Speedburst is fast now
Changelog 1.0.2
- Completed implementation of boom tube colored breaches and breach powers
- Armor durability has been increased
- Cosmic Enhancement beam damage raised to 7 from 4
- Cosmic Enhancement can no longer be obtained alongside other powers
- Deadzone’s shield is dampened by Dark Matter dampeners
- Velocity speedforce are properly removed on death
- Vibe colors are properly assigned on power obtain
- Power Nap’s self-explosion properly deals damage to the power user on Peaceful
- Phantom Knight’s sword is no longer usable by non-Umbrakinesis users
- Umbrakinesis users may now move their Shadow Blade around the inventory without it being erased
- Tachyon levels are properly removed on death
- Velocity Speedforce is properly removed on death
- Speedsters should keep their colors on relogging into the game
- Speedster sound backend has been slightly tweaked
- Redstone Mech Mark 2 now cannot use their beam and blast at the same time
Changelog 1.0.1
- Added a new command /toggleHair which enables the hair on female-based suits (Power Nap, Emberhail, Kaisa).
- Fatherbox will not open a breach on first-use without opening the configuration menu
- Fatherbox now automatically imports current coordinates on first config
- Made a small tweak to Speedster sounds power