Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Published last year
Updated 2 months ago
- Added Iron Treads.
- Added Iron Hands.
- Added Great Tusk.
- Added Wattrel.
- Added Kilowattrel.
- Added Rellor.
- Added Rabsca.
- Added Squawkabilly.
- Added Gimmighoul.
- Added Gholdengo.
- Added Sandy Shocks.
- Added Bombirdier.
- Added Klawf.
- Added 'spirit' Iron Valiant.
- Added TM171-TM223 for all existing moves.
- Added new voices: Alomomola, Bunnelby, Cacnea, Cacturne, Castform, Cherubi, Comfey, Dedenne, Diancie, Flabebe, Floette, Florges, Furfrou, Gothita, Gothorita, Gothitelle, Inkay, Luvdisc, Mandibuzz, Maushold, Mawile, Morpeko, Ogerpon, Pyukumuku, Roselia, Salandit, Salazzle, Sandy Shocks, Shieldon, Shuckle, Sinistcha, Sinistea, Slurpuff, Smeargle, Snorunt, Swirlix, Swoobat, Tandemaus, Togedemaru, Vanillish, Vanillite, Vanilluxe, Vullaby, Wishiwashi, Woobat, Zigzagoon, Fezandipti, Boltund, Eldegoss, Enamorus, Greavard, Mr. Rime, Natu, Okidogi, Pincurchin, Rabsca, Rellor, Spidops, Tarountula and Xatu.
- Updated voices: Guzzlord, Kyogre, Deerling, Flamigo, Gardevoir, Hoppip, Kirlia, Shinx, Shroomish, Shaymin, Sunflora, Sunkern, Zigzagoon, Zorua, Cetoddle, Charcadet, Tinkatink, Bonsly and Tinkatuff.
- Updated all species movesets to Generation 9.
- Updated all TMs to include Generation9 and DLC TMs.
- Added Gimmighoul evolution method by Linking Cord while holding an Amulet Coin.
- Added Paldean Generation 9 Blank TM to Master Poké Chest drops.
- Added Paldean TMs Chilling Water, Pounce, Trailblaze and Tera Blast to dungeon loot pools.
- Updated Luvdisc fishing and spawn loot to remove unused items.
- Added Bombirdier to River, Lakes, and Beaches during the Day on Land and Air with an anticondition of Freezing biomes and Mountainous biomes rarely.
- Added Gimmighoul Chest form to Jungle Pyramids, Desert Pyramids, Haunted Towers, Graveyards, and Ruined Portals on Land, Indoors, and Underground at All Times.
- Added Gholdengo to Ultra Desert at All Times.
- Added Great Tusk to Small End Islands at All Times.
- Added Kilowattrel to Beaches with an anticondition of Freezing during the Day in the Air. Added chance to spawn with a group of Wattrel.
- Added Klawf to Stone Beach and Mesas on Land during the Day.
- Added Rabsca to Arid, Mesas, and Savannas on Land at All Times.
- Added Rellor to Arid, Mesas, and Savannas on Land at All Times.
- Added Sandy Shocks to Small End Islands at All Times.
- Added Squawkabilly to Jungles during the Day in the Air and on Tree Top. Added chance to spawn with a group of Squawkabilly. Some colors are rarer than others.
- Added Wattrel to Beaches with an anticondition of Freezing during the Day in the Air, Land, and Tree Top. Added chance to spawn with a group of Wattrel.
- Added Spirit palette Iron Valiant to Graveyards at Night on Land or Manmade.
- Added Iron Hands to Small End Islands on Land at All Times.
- Added Iron Treads to Small End Islands on Land at All Times.
- Updated Dondozo from Rivers and Lakes spawning to Oceanic biomes.
- Updated Abandoned Mine Shaft, Hoglin Stables Bastion, Boat, Crate Geyser, Plant Monolith, Village Butcher and Village Cartographer loot chests, removing unused items.
- Improved Rainbow Sash color cycle.
- 21862 Removed chunk habitation time limit on Zygarde Cells and Core spawning.
- Updated Revenant's Pressure to be twice as strong as regular Pressure.
- Updated raid drops, removing unused items.
- Updated poke drops, removing unused items.
- Updated rug colors to match the wool colors more accurately.
- Updated shiny Revavroom sprite.
- Updated 'hero' form shiny Palafin sprite.
- Added evolving method for Charjabug and Magneton by leveling them in a Mountain/Windswept Hills biome.
- Added Thunder Stone evolution for Nosepass.
- Added Ice Stone evolution for Crawbrawler.
- Removed Water Stone evolution for Hisuian Qwilfish.
- Updated the icon in taskbar and window of application to standard (non-spooky) Pixelmon icon.
- 21932 21941 Fixed wild caught Pokémon changing abilities when evolving.
- Fixed vibrancy for Colored Sash and Rainbow Sash accessories.
- 21951 Fixed Colored Sash color-setting.
- Fixed storage gets not being thread safe, fixing issues of MissingNo replacing Pokémon randomly.
- Fixed error in Pokemon Builder.
- 18939 Fixed Poké Display not properly defaulting to original form and palette fields.
- Fixed Gastly particles overwhelming its model, now spawning behind the orb and away from its facing direction.
- 21384 Fixed Pokémon having move skills they cannot use and should not have.
- Fixed the Pokédex set value setting the wrong Pokédex.
- 19409 Fixed visual issue with Solrock's idle animation.
- 18571 Fixed visual issue of a stray pixel in the Rocket Armor texture.
- 21475 Fixed erroneous entry for a missing texture on 'ashen' Mega-Houndoom, pointing it back to its base texture.
- 13324 Fixed Stufful's ability description being too long for the summary UI.
- 19971 Fixed Hisuian Typhlosion's hitbox height.
- Fixed Beedrill's floating parameters so it's no longer on the ground's surface.
- 21475 22114 Fixed temporary palette reversion when a Pokémon mega-evolves, dynamaxes, or otherwise temporarily updates it's battle form.
- Fixed an error on TCG fallback card loading.
- Fixed Blaziken's texture UV.
- 21238 Fixed Dudunsparce texture.
- Fixed Revenant not blocking Destiny Bond from being applied to a Pokémon if it has at least one life left.
- Fixed Destiny Bond no longer sending a message twice when not applied.
- 21970 Fixed Mirror Armor causing a crash in singleplayer when self-applied.
- Fixed max HP value not being recalculated after temporary level is set, fixing issues where battle rules change the Pokémon's level without updating its HP.
- 22134 Fixed a rare crash caused by Ditto failing to Transform properly into non-default capable species.
- Added
method, and implementations for each kind of storage. - Updated ServerSwapPacket to send update packets for the whole storage when it ends up in its error state.
- Added Ability interface method allowsStatusOpponent.
ExplorersCompass-1.16.5-1.1.2-forge.jarAdded via overrides
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
Game versions
25146Publication date
December 1, 2024 at 8:31 PMPublisher
