Minecraft: Java Edition
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This is my first mod, it reworks various mobs in the game to give them something new to them
(And special thanks to MysticPasta1 for helping me fix forge issues for 1.20)
Fabric version requires Fabric API
Forge/Neoforge requires Sinytra Connector and its dependencies
This mod also provides 2 optional emf/optifine resource packs for you to use, if it didn't download automatically, find "Mob AI Tweaks Extras <version>.zip" or "Fresh AI Tweaks <version>.zip" for Fresh Animation enjoyers in Files -> <Click your mod version> -> Additional Files. (Be sure to check older versions too!) I HIGHLY recommend you use them ESPECIALLY if you're using Fresh Animations as this mod has some minor incompatibilities with Fresh Animations, which Fresh AI Tweaks fixes. You can download them from the "files" tab by pressing the downwards arrow next to the mod's jar file. It will give you the two extra packs you can download. BE SURE THAT THE RESOURCE PACK VERSION MATCHES YOUR GAME'S VERSION!
-Announces when they have been defeated just like in Terraria. e.g. "Ender Dragon has been defeated!"
-Bosses announce when they have been summoned. e.g. "Wither has been summoned!"
-Does not work for modded bosses just yet.
The Wither
-Moveset completely reworked.
-6 Phases total.
-Blue wither skulls have homing now.
-Only regenerates health upon dealing damage to anything or when it has no target.
-Enrages upon losing 25% of its health in a single attack. When enraged, attacks 2x faster and shoots 4x faster but drops 2 nether stars on defeat.
-Removed projectile immunity entirely. Only takes 50% less damage from arrows only below 50% health.
-Reworked attack visuals. Now turns blue when about to fire a blue wither skull. The original "phase 2 shield" visual effect has been repurposed into a charging animation (since this mod removes phase 2 projectile immunity)
-Phase 1: Just hovers in place, following you if you're moving too far and away if too close.
-Phase 2: Gains a slanted slam attack, spawns a pool of harming in hard difficulty, creates a creeper-sized explosion if mob griefing is enabled. Starts below 83% health.
-Phase 3: Starts strafing around the player and begins firing blue wither skulls along side the occasional slam attacks. Starts below 66% health.
-Phase 4: Starts hovering lower and closer to the player, gains a Bedrock Wither-like dash attack. Creates a trail of explosions if mob griefing is enabled. Starts below 50% health.
-Phase 5: Dashes twice. Blue wither skulls become more common. Starts below 33% health.
-Phase 6: Chains all of the attacks continuously without stopping. Starts below 17% health.
-On death: Explodes very flashily and shoots skulls everywhere before dying for good. Also creates a shower of xp amounting to a total of 1000 xp.
Elder Guardian
-Now a proper boss instead of a generic tanky enemy variant.
-Increased health to 150 (75 hearts) and defense by 8 (4 armor). Can be edited in the config.
-Laser attack reworked to be a proper laser beam. This means it is now a straight line that deals damage continuously when touched.
-Has a boss health bar now but only shows up when you start fighting it.
-It can dash now. Dashes more frequently as health gets lower. Spawns "seeking mines" below 30% health in hard difficulty (as of right now, they're just reskinned shulker bullets that deal no damage but drain your oxygen instead).
-Is now immune to explosive damage.
-Has a death animation now.
Ender Dragon
-Enrages when losing 15% of her health in a single attack (this means beds instantly enrage her!). Attacks significantly more frequently when enraged and all of her melee attacks burn targets.
-Fireball attacks have been changed to chain fire. Shoots faster the lower her health is or when enraged. To compensate, dragon fireballs have been nerfed, the harming pools they spawn last shorter now and are significantly smaller.
-Swoop attacks are now more consistent, mimicking her pre-1.9 swoop attack.
-End crystal healing reworked, no longer heals passively. End crystals now heal her in bursts. Additionally, end crystals now emit a flashing effect to indicate how close they are to finishing healing her.
-No longer perches randomly, and is now completely invincible while flying. Instead, to get her to perch, you need to destroy the current end crystal healing once in peaceful, twice in easy, thrice in normal, and four times in hard.
-After destroying the connected crystals, she perches and DPS phase begins. She now takes far less damage to her body but far more to the head. Additionally, her projectile immunity is removed.
-While perched, she spawns significantly more dragon's breath. Additionally, said dragon's breath moves now in a conic pattern away from her and as well as deal even more damage. (Unless Enhanced AI mod is installed as that mod makes area of effect clouds spherical and this becomes very unfair to dodge)
-Last but not the least, this mod fixes a crash in vanilla caused by leaving the game as soon as she shoots a fireball.
-Are now minibosses.
-Have a boss health bar.
-Has a charge attack similar to goats, gets stunned upon hitting a wall.
Line of Sight
-Things can now reduce mob attack ranges and are separated into two categories: debuffs and entity actions. Keep in mind that for each category, there is a "highest priority" that overrides the lower ones.
Debuffs (ordered from highest to lowest priority):
-Blindess: 66% reduction
-Darkness: 80% but it pulsates (because the effect does)
-Nausea 20% reduction
Entity actions (ordered from highest to lowest priority):
-Invisibility: 75% reduction (Do note that the moment an invisible target attacks or takes damage, the mob will immediately know where they are!)
-Crawling: 66% reduction
-Sneaking: 50% reduction
-All melee attacking mobs are now affected by haste and mining fatigue, either increasing or decreasing their attack speeds.
-All bipedal hostile mobs that aren't illagers will randomly sit down and chill. During this, they become neutral. This also serves as an optimization feature as this turns off most of their AIs. Though, they can be woken up by making some noise!
-Generic ranged attacking hostile mobs reposition after attacking. This applies to mobs like blazes and drowned.
-Now loses their tridents upon throwing them. They will run or swim towards their trident in an attempt to pick it back up. If they could not pick up their trident in time, they will give up and let the last targeted player have it.
-Can now use their fishing rods to pull players toward them.
-All skeletons now have baby variants. Baby skeletons are hella bad at aiming and do not strafe when shooting, they run around instead, occasionally stopping to shoot.
-All skeletons have two kinds of ranged attack AIs now. The original strafing AI and a "sniper" AI. The sniper AI will have the skeleton stand mostly still when shooting and occasionally reposition to a spot they think is "safe". It is used when the skeleton is in the surface during the day, or underground in a cave. Anytime else, they will use their regular strafing AI. This is done so that they can prioritize taking cover from the sun, or to not accidentally strafing off a cliff in a cave.
-Regular skeletons have a very rare chance to spawn riding a skeleton horse, baby skeletons spawn riding a chicken instead. If a skeleton is on a skeleton horse, they can ram attack you with it.
-Regular skeletons convert to wither skeletons if they ever die to anything wither related.
-Additionally this mod fixes a bug that prevents all skeletons from using bows added by mods, and as well as numerous bugs involving their vanilla strafing AI. (such as MC-121706)
-Now has a jump attack. When they jump, they fire a more accurate shot. In hard difficulty or when they aren't holding a bow, they throw a barrage of snowballs on the way down.
-Can dash backwards when the target is too close and leaves behind a poisonous spore cloud. This has a very long cooldown.
Wither Skeletons
-Shoots a weak poorly-homing wither skull when farther than 6 blocks from the chased target. These skulls have a really long cooldown and are very inaccurate. Has a special attack animation when doing this!
-Additionally has a rare chance to spawn with a bow.
Skeleton Horsemen
-Now spawns all four skeleton variant per horse (as in each horse is ridden by a different skeleton type)
-No longer fights each other when they accidentally friendly fire.
-Can now burrow into sand, can only perform this when both the husk and their target are standing on any form of sand.
-If they ever spawn in the middle of the ocean during a raid or patrol, they now spawn riding boats.
-Now attacks zombie villagers on sight.
-Attack range increased to 15 blocks.
-Strafes backwards when target is a bit close. Switches to a stone axe when target is too close and back to a crossbow when not.
-Attempts to break your shield when you are blocking for too long.
-Now eats food when hurt to heal, though, they eat very slowly and only when out of combat.
-Additionally, this mod fixes a bug where pillagers cannot use modded crossbows.
-Throws a weak fireball every now and then, the fireball doesn't set any blocks on fire.
-Nerfed movement speed when running away from players (around 25%).
-Additionally, this mod fixes a bug where they don't run away from iron golems.
-Nerfed charge attack, it no longer tracks, it can also miss when you move out of the way.
-Stops moving for a while shortly after charging, allowing you to hit them once for free.
-No longer charges players that are less than 4 blocks away from them.
-Takes 3x more damage from projectiles, attacks that normally do not deal any damage (like snowballs) deal 3 damage (1.5 hearts). This means a single fully drawn arrow kills them in 1 shot.
-Now neutral to players. Attacks the local wildlife instead.
-Grows 10% larger every livestock hunted, becomes aggressive to players again when big enough (around 50% their original size). Don't worry, their max health remains the same! Them becoming bigger just means they're easier to hit!
-Takes 3x more damage from projectiles, attacks that normally do not deal any damage (like snowballs) deal 3 damage (1.5 hearts). This means a single crossbow arrow kills them in 1 shot.
-If a max sized phantom was killed, insomnia is reset as if the player who killed it slept.
Zombie Villager
-Zombie Fletchers spawn with a crossbow and shoot you with it (though, their aim is horrible...)
-Zombie Clerics throw potions of harming at players or injured undead mobs (to heal them, duh)
-Zombie Fishermen spawn with fishing rods and will reel players toward them.
Zombie Pigman
-If a normal piglin converted while holding a crossbow, that converted piglin can now use a crossbow.
-Fixed a bug in vanilla where they can get angry at each other.
-Fireballs shot are dependent on difficulty. Shoots 2 on easy, 3 on normal, 4 on hard.
-Creates a wind charge explosion upon jumping or landing on hard difficulty.
-Nerfed fireball attacks. Reduced velocity by 25%, increased attack cooldown by 2 seconds.
-Now has an improved firing animation. Inflates while flashing white to indicate it is preparing a fireball, then opens its mouth and deflates to indicate it is going to shoot it.
-If their sonic boom attack were to hit a bell, they get stunned. Even if the player was in the way of the sonic boom, it will deal no damage as long as there is a bell hit by the attack.
-Mobs that normally run away from you when approached (like cats, ocelots, and rabbits) no longer do when the approaching entity is sneaking.
-Can now be armed with weapons, but only the following: bow, crossbow, mace, any tool, fire and wind charge.
-Can be commanded to attack if armed. To do this, place a skull on top of the noteblock they like.
Creeper head: arthropods and creepers
Piglin head: animals
Zombie head: undead mobs
Skeleton head: monsters
Wither skeleton head: anything besides other allays
Player head: players besides the person who tamed these allays
-Now runs away from any entity bigger than them or predators. (like foxes)
-Occasionally sheds feathers.
Snow Golems
-Now has 10 armor points (5 armor) when pumpkin is still attached. Loses its defense when sheared but gains massive boost to accuracy. Can be edited in the config.
-Attack speed and ranged buffed.
-When surrounded by hostile mobs, it will perform a 360 barrage that throws snowballs at every mob currently attacking them.
-Can be sneak right-clicked with certain items, they will do a little jumping animation and emit particles that point to biomes relating to the item sniffed. More items can be added via config. (mob-ai-tweak_sniffer_item_to_biome.txt)
Acacia Sapling: Savannah
Bamboo: Bamboo Forest
Birch Sapling: Birch Forest
Brown Mushroom: Swamp
Cherry Sapling: Cherry Grove
Dark Oak Sapling: Dark Oak Forest
Mangrove Roots: Mangrove Swamp
Oak Sapling: Oak Forest
Red Mushroom: Mushroom Fields
Red Sand: Badlands
Sand: Desert
Spruce Sapling: Desert
Sunflower: Plains
-Now eats food to heal just like in bedrock edition. If you name a villager you have previously traded with, it will announce in chat if they have ran out of food. "Your villager friend, <villager name> is out food..."
-Blacksmith-like villagers heal iron golems.
-Clerics heal other villagers and guard villagers by throwing splash potions of healing at them.
-Farmers feed baby animals food to help them grow up faster.
-Sheperds occasionally shear sheep, putting a hopper beneath the sheep instantly sends it to that hopper.
Throwable fire charges
-Self explanatory. This was solely added for the special interaction between wind charges and fire charges (Though, this feature exists in versions without wind charges!)
Enchantment Rewards
-Some mobs now drop new enchantments added by this mod. This is the mod's way of rewarding you for fighting strengthened mobs without adding any new content.
-These can be disabled in the mod's config (enchantments_from_mod). In 1.21, the enchantments don't get removed but they become unobtainable in survival.
After Burner - right click with a flint and steel to shoot a fireball. Level 1 shoots a small fireball, level 2 and above shoots a large fireball that increases in explosion power per level. (Source: Evokers)
Auto-loading Holster - crossbows reload themselves when you are not holding them. Quick charge makes them reload faster. (Source: Ravagers, Incompatible with Full-Auto Retrofit)
Blasting Impression - ranged weapons (bow, crossbow, or trident) send enemies flying. (Source: Evokers, Incompatible with Riptide)
Descent (1.21 only) - gliding with an elytra gives you slow falling. (Source: Evokers)
Despise - tridents home into the enemy the player was looking at. (Source: Elder Guardians, Incompatible with Riptide)
Featherweight Munitions - arrows shot from crossbows have no gravity and air resistance. (Source: Ravagers, Incompatible with Withering Munitions)
Full-Auto Retrofit - crossbows fire automatically when right click held down. (Source: Ravagers, Incompatible with Auto-Loading Holster, KNOWN ISSUE: inconsistent behavior on Forge)
Grappling Bobber - fishing rods become grappling hooks. (Source: Elder Guardians, Incompatible with Luck of the Sea and Lure)
Kick Back - damaging an entity with a trident while jumping will send the user flying and reduce the charge time of their tridents (Source: Elder Guardians)
Withering Munitions - crossbows shoot wither skulls as supposed to arrows. Using special ammunition (like tipped arrows, spectal arrows or firework rockets) shoots a charged wither skull instead that homes into enemies. (Source: Wither, Incompatible with Featherweight Munitions)
Decade of Decay - defeat the Wither.
Withering Heights... Literally (hidden) - defeat the Wither in aerial combat using an elytra (do note that the Wither has a special AI during elytra combat. It has one new special attack too!)
Prison of Elders - find the Elder Guardian.
Never Let Your Guard Down! - defeat the Elder Guardian.
Uh Oh... It's Mad! (hidden) - enrage a boss.
Stay Mad (hidden) - defeat an enraged boss.
Unplugged Life Support (hidden) - defeat the Ender Dragon with end crystal explosions.
Tinnitus - stun the Warden by getting its sonic boom to hit a bell.
Warden of Nothing - defeat the warden.
Orphan Obliterator (hidden) - defeat all baby variants of hostile and neutral mobs.
I Cast... Fire Charge! - throw a fire charge at any enemy that can be burned.
Wombo Combo (hidden) - detonate your own fire charge by hitting it with a wind charge mid-air.
Didn't Asked How Big The Room Was! - kill any mob besides ghasts with a large fireball.
Crazy mobs mode
-a new gamerule that makes mobs very strong.
How to enable: type "/gamerule crazyMobs true"
-Drowned will run or swim towards their tridents much faster.
-Skeletons cycle between both attack types every 5 seconds.
-All mobs use their special attacks thrice as frequent.
-All ranged attacking mobs shoot significantly faster.
-Breezes shoot three wind charges in a spread pattern.
-Blazes shoot four extra fireballs.
-Evokers shoot a spread of fireballs.
-Melee attacking enemies lunge at you.
-Spiders and Phantoms have a ranged attack.
Datapack Support
Added the following nbt data for the following mobs:
IsEnraged - if the wither is enraged or not. Works even if boss enrage is disabled in the config.
ChargeAttackTime - setting this to -1 pauses the charge attack, setting it to 100 cancels it.
SlamAttackTime - setting this to -1 pauses the slam attack, setting it to 100 cancels it. Setting it to 50 "stuns" the Wither on Phase 1.
IsBlue - makes the wither appear blue, mostly a visual thing.
SkullsCooldown:[0,1] - vanilla cooldown timers for side head's skulls.
UntilChargedSkull:[0,1,2,3] - this mod's tally for how many more times a part of the wither needs to shoot a skull to shoot a guaranteed blue skull. Setting any of these to -1 forces that body part of the wither to shoot a blue skull. 0 = body, 1 = main head, 2 = left head, 3 = right head
blockBreakingCooldown - vanilla block breaking cooldown for the wither's wall breaking ability.
Ender Dragon:
IsEnraged - if the Jean is enraged or not. Works even if boss enrage is disabled in the config.
UntilDamagePhase - how many more end crystals need to be destroyed to start DPS phase.
StunTick - stun duration
Elder Guardian:
dashCooldown - dash cooldown, setting this to 0 causes the guardian's next attack to be a dash.
Works/Pairs amazingly with:
-Spiders 2.0/Nyf's Spiders
-Better Mob Combat
-Explosive Enhancement (Wither fight looks dope with the improved explosion visuals!)
-Improved Mobs (To my surprise, they don't conflict at all! Though, watch out for Pillagers with ender pearls, they're damn terrifying...)
-True Ending (datapack): That datapack's Ender Dragon rework completely overrides any of the changes from this mod. No crashes tho so you're fine. However, the End Crystal mechanics still work!
-Jaden's Nether Expansion (Wither Strays throw burning coal at the player as supposed to snowballs!)
-Musket Mod, Simple Vanilla Guns and Guns Without Roses (Ranged mobs can use guns from these mods!)
-Timeless and Classics Zero (a bit W.I.P. due to some inconsistencies. Ranged mobs can fire and reload guns from this mod, although no animations for reloading yet. Be sure that when you give them guns via commands, they are loaded! Or else they won't attack. Also, last version this was tested on was 1.0.9 Forge and 1.0.2 Fabric, might not be compatible with newer versions!)
Known Incompatibilites:
-Bedrock Style Wither: I mean, this mod already makes a bigger rework for the Wither.
Possible but Fixable Incompatibilies:
-Other mods that change mob AIs like this one (like Special AI, Enhanced AI and Enhanced Mobs). However, you can make these mods work together with the right mod config settings.
-Withering Heights (datapack): This mod's page provides a fix for it though. File download is in the same directory as Fresh AI Tweaks and Mob AI Tweaks Extras. Only supports 1.21 as the 1.20 version of the datapack is barely functional. Enjoy your lore-accurate java wither :)
Slight yet Noticeable Incompatibilities:
-Fresh Animations: skeleton models break when not using their strafing AI, pillagers don't have a melee attack animation. Download and enable "Fresh AI Tweaks" to fix these. If it did not download along with the mod, get it from this mod page's files.
-Already done rework ideas. (Like humanoid mobs breaking blocks if they have pickaxes. See "Enhanced AI" and "Improved Mobs", they both add them)
-Anything regarding boss minions.
-Anything that makes the game harder. (The goal of this mod is rebalancing/reworking, not making the game harder!) However, this mod adds a new gamerule called "crazy mobs mode"